 |Ehime |Nippon Kempo |KATA basic subject |Organization |Dojo guidance |Introduction |Recruitment |
 1) Training Contents
 We train corresponding to age, physical strength, and the amount of experiences.
Nippon Kempo Imabari Kenyuukai Nippon Kempo Imabari Kenyuukai
 [Kid class]
Nippon Kempo Imabari Kenyuukai  Let's enable it to have your concrete target.

 Let's enable it to actualize by attaining your aim.

 Let's enable it to enjoy the process to your goal achievement.

 Let's go to each target.
 [General class] 【Woman class , Exercise class】
 Item  Contents
1.  Warm-up exercises  Warm-up and stretch
 (Basic technology)
striking and kicking, (ATEMI-WAZA), blocking (UKE-WAZA), throwing (NAGE-WAZA), reverse joint locks (KANSETSU-GYAKUTORI WAZA) and ground combat (wrestling and submission holds)
3.  RENGEKI  The technology of the successive attack training
4.  KATA  KATA basic subject,Nippon Kempo Renmei
5.  KU-RANGEKI  Non-contact combat training
 Non-contact sparring
6.  JITSU-RANGEKI  Full contact combat training
 BOGU (protective gear) sparring
 BOGU (protective gear) is attached, and it trains itself.
7.  SO-RANGEKI  Shadow training
8.  Foundation physical
  strength training
 An arm is put up, abdominal muscle, back and others.
9. Cooling-down exercises  Cooling-down and stretch
 2) BOGU (Protective Gear) for Nippon Kempo
 Nippon Kempo is a Martial Art System based on techniques of striking and kicking, (ATEMI-WAZA), blocking (UKE-WAZA), throwing (NAGE-WAZA), reverse joint locks (KANSETSU-GYAKUTORI WAZA) and ground combat (wrestling and submission holds).
 The protective gear is to allow realistic sparring without the risk of serious injury or disfigurement.
 [Kid class]
BOGU (Protective Gear) for Nippon Kempo
1) Kempo-DO
(Body protectorr)
(Padded vest)
3) Gloves(MT) 6ounce
(Groin protector)
fourth grade in elementary school ~
5) Kempo-MEN(Headgear)
 [General class]
BOGU (Protective Gear) for Nippon Kempo

For the man
For the woman
2) Kempo-DO
(Body protector)
(Padded vest)
4) Gloves(MT) 8ounce
(Groin protector)
 3) Tournament participation
 ■Tournament participation
愛媛県日本拳法連盟 今治拳友会 愛媛県日本拳法連盟 今治拳友会
全・日本拳法総合選手権大会 All Japan Championship 全・日本拳法総合選手権大会 All Japan Championship
 ・Nippon Kempo Shikoku Tournament (Shikoku)
 ・Nippon Kempo West Japan boy tournament (Osaka)
 ・Nippon Kempo Member of society Championship (Osaka)
 ・Nippon Kempo boy tournament(Team competition) (Hyogo)
 ・Osaka Junior Sports Clubs Association Nippon kempo Tournament (Osaka)
 ・Nippon kempo East Japan boy championship (Tokyo)
 ・All Japan Nippon Kempo Championship (Osaka)
 ・Nippon Kempo All-prefectures confrontation Tournament(Team competition) (Osaka)
 ・Nippon Kempo Ehime Tournament
 ・Nippon Kempo Okayama Tournament (Okayama)
 ・Nippon Kempo Tokushima Tournament (Tokushima)
 ・Byakkokai Championship Tournament (Osaka)
 ・Citizen of Asahi-ku Nippon kempo Tournament (Osaka)
 ・Nippon kempo Goyukai Tournament (Nippon kempo Kouyuukai Japan Open Boy Tournament) (Osaka)
 ■Fighting Spirit
 Championship to decide the best in Japan of this year
 The biggest event of the Nippon Kempo
 "All Nippon Kempo Championships
【Boy of the first grader of the primary schoolchild 】Champion Kotaro Tamura
【Girl of the fifth grader of the primary schoolchild 】Champion Akane Saeki
【Girl of the second grader of the primary schoolchild 】Associate champion Nanase Ide
 ■2013 All Japan Nippon Kempo Championship
 Date: (Sun),September 15,2013,(09:30-)
 Place: Osaka City central gymnasium
 Auspices: Nippon Kempo Zenkoku Renmei
Video  1.2013 All Japan Nippon Kempo Championship 
 4) Examination
The examination evaluates a technique, the spirit that improved by everyday training, a manner, conduct generally.
昇段級審査 Examination 昇段級審査 Examination
映像  1.チャレンジャー あくなき挑戦者たち ver.昇級審査  
 5) Winter training
Winter festival of Imabari Kenyuukai
We aim at willpower and the improvement of not to lose cold physical strength and am aimed for mental and physical training.
"I overcome one's weakness"
Place:  Higashimura shore Park(popular name, Oda beach)  2, Tomitashinminato, Imabari-shi
Video  1.Winter training 2012 2.2014今治拳友会冬の祭典寒稽古
 6) The activity of a community
We contribute as the member of a community, and an earth-citizen's member.
We participate to a local activity.
I contribute as the member of a community, and an earth-citizen's member.

日本拳法 今治拳友会