Nippon Kempo Ehime
 |Ehime |Nippon Kempo |KATA basic subject |Organization |Dojo guidance |Introduction |Recruitment |
Organization of Nippon Kempo Imabari Kenyuukai Nippon Kempo Ehime
 1) Nippon Kempo Ehime
 Nippon Kempo Ehime  Nippon Kempo Ehime
  【Association of item of Ehime-ken Sports Association 】
井手 洋行 Ide Hiroyuki
Ide Hiroyuki
Honorary Advisor
・10th Chairperson of municipal assembly of Imabari-shi  (2014.2.24.~2015.2.23) Died January 19, 2023 73 years old
徳永 繁樹 Tokunaga Shigeki 村上信太郎
Tokunaga Shigeki
Murakami Shintaro
・Member of Ehime Prefectural Assembly
村上 泰史 Murakami Yasushi 西野 元 Nishino Gen  
Murakami Yasushi
Alumnus of Nippon Kempo Club of Chukyo university
 Nishino Gen
Alumnus of Nippon Kempo Club of Chukyo university  
玉置 孝洋 Tamaki Takahiro 瀬尾 浩 Seo Hirosi 越智 裕保 Ochi Hiroyasu
Tamaki Takahiro
Alumnus of Nippon Kempo Club of Osaka University of Commerce
Seo Hiroshi
Alumnus of Japan Ground Self-Defense Force
Ochi Hiroyasu
Alumnus of Matsuyama University of Commerce
松本 徹 Matsumoto Toru 田村 麻由美 Tamura Mayumi
 Toru Matsumoto
Mayumi Tamura
  【Instructor 】
Area  Name  Grade  Qualification
 Toyo area  Yasushi Murakami  6-st Dan (Go-dan)  Senior Instructor
 Chuyo area  Takahiro Tamaki  5-st Dan (Go-dan)  Instructor
 Chuyo area  Gen Nishino  4-st Dan (Yon-dan)  Instructor
 Toyo area  Hiroshi Seo  4-st Dan (Yon-dan)  Instructor

  【Successive presidents of Nippon Kempo Ehime】
  Name Assumption of office period 備 考
1  Seo Hiroshi  From August, 2006 to December, 2006 Ground Self-Defense Force
2  Nonaka Nobuyuki  From January, 2007 to April, 2008 The 4s captain, Alumnus of Nippon Kempo Club of Chukyo university
3  Murakami Yasushi  May, 2008 ... The 18s captain, Alumnus of Nippon Kempo Club of Chukyo university
 2) Group of Nippon Kempo Ehime
  【Dojo 】
 Imabari Kenyuukai (Nippon Kempo Imabari Junior Sports Club)
 ■ 【Imabari-nishi Dojo】  
 Imabari Kenyuukai   19:00 -22:00 (Tue.) (Thurs.) (Sat.) Every week
 It is near the Coop Ehime of the national highway No. 156 line from Imabari City to Matsuyama City.   <Map> 
 554-3,Yamazi,Imabari City Ehime Prefecture 794-0072 Japan.
 Imabari-nishi Junior high school  TEL. +81-898-22-0411  Fax. +81-898-25-0063
 Itami Branch of Imabari Kenyuukai
 ■ 【Ground Self-Defense Force Itami garrison town】  

 7-1-1, Midorigaoka, Itami-shi, Hyogo Prefecture664-0012 Japan
 The fourth squadron of the 36th normal department regiment of the Ground Self-Defense Force TEL +81-72-782-0001
 Iwakuni Branch of Imabari Kenyuukai
 (Nippon kempo Ryuokai )
 ■ 【Iwakuni Dojo】   Nippon kempo Club of Waki Junior High School Nippon kempo Club of Waki-cho Junior Sports Club Nippon kempo fans society of Hiroshima is prefectural Otake Senior High School
 今治拳友会岩国支部 19:00 -22:00 (Mon.) (Wed.) (Thurs.) (Sat.) Every week
 【Kid class】 19:00 - 21:00  
 【General class】19:00 - 22:00
 (Voluntary training 16:00 - 22:00 Every day )
 (Accses) <Map> 
 4-5-2, Waki, Waki-cho, Kuga-gun, Yamaguchi Prefecture 740-0061 Japan
 TEL +81-827-53-3556
 2-2-25,Gohon-cho,Imabari City,Ehime Prefecture 794-0823 Japan.
 TEL. +81-898-32-5237
 Matsuyama-shi Nippon Kempo Renmei
 ■Takunan Junior High School  
 Matsuyama-shi Nippon Kempo Renmei  19:00 -21:30 (Tue.) (Sun.) Every week

 Matsuyama Kenyuukai since 1995.5.1~2011.6
 Toon Kenyuukai since 2011.4.~2011.6
 Toon Matsuyama  Kenyuukai since 2011.6.2~2013.4.
 Matsuyama-shi Federation since 2013.5.~
 3) History of Nippon Kempo Ehime
  【History of Nippon Kempo Ehime 】
Date Outline
August 1, 2006. "Ehime Nippon Kempo Renmei",Federation of Nippon Kempo in Ehime was born in August 2006.
September 3, 2006 The 1st Ehime Nippon Kempo Tournament was held. (Matsuyama)
April 22, 2007 The 2nd Ehime Nippon Kempo Tournament was held. (Matsuyama)
September 2, 2007 The 1st Ehime Nippon Kempo Tournament was held. (Matsuyama)
(team event)
October 5, 2008 Nippon Kempo Ehime Tournament was held in the Heisei 20 fiscal year.
(a team event and an individual match) (Matsuyama)
(A boy section is a demonstration tournament)
October 4, 2009 The 5th Nippon Kempo Ehime Tournament was held. (Imabari)
(a team event and an individual match)
(A boy section is a official tournament)
May 16, 2010 The 3rd Nippon Kempo Shikoku synthesis Tournament was held. (Imabari)
October 3, 2010 The 6th Nippon Kempo Ehime Tournament was held. (Imabari)
(a team event and an individual match)
October 2, 2011 The 7th Nippon Kempo Ehime Tournament was held. (Imabari)
(a team event and an individual match)
June 25, 2012 We joined "Ehime-ken Sports Association".
May 31, 2012 The third enforcement candidate event of the demonstration sports of the 72nd National Athletic Meet.
(Ehime approved it.)
August 4, 5, 2012 The 57 th Nippon Kempo All Japan High school Championship was held. (Matsuyama)
October 7, 2012 The 8th Nippon Kempo Ehime Tournament was held. (Imabari)
(a team event and an individual match)
December 16, 2012 Opening of the demonstration sports of the 72nd National Athletic Meet.
(Imabari-shi agreed.)
May 12, 2013 The 6th Nippon Kempo Shikoku synthesis Tournament was held. (Imabari)
October 13, 2013 The 9th Nippon Kempo Ehime Tournament was held. (Imabari)
(a team event and an individual match)
July 23, 2014 Decided the opening meeting place of the competition of of the 72nd National Athletic Meet.
(Japan Amateur Sports Association, Ehime is decided)
October 12, 2014 The 10th Nippon Kempo Ehime Tournament was held. (Imabari)
(a team event and an individual match)
October 11, 2015 The 11th Nippon Kempo Ehime Tournament was held. (Imabari)
(a team event and an individual match)
May 8, 2016 The 9th Nippon Kempo Shikoku synthesis Tournament was held. (Imabari)
May 8, 2016 The 9th Nippon Kempo Shikoku synthesis Tournament was held. (Imabari)
October 9, 2016 The 12th Nippon Kempo Ehime Tournament was held. (Imabari)
August 27, 2017 The 72nd National Athletic Meet, Demonstration sports Nippon Kempo was held. (Imabari)
October 7, 2018 The 13th Nippon Kempo Ehime Tournament was held. (Imabari)
May 5, 2019 The 12th Nippon Kempo Shikoku synthesis Tournament was held. (Imabari)
October 6, 2019 The 14th Nippon Kempo Ehime Tournament was held. (Imabari)
October 10, 2021 The 15th Nippon Kempo Ehime Tournament was held. (Imabari)
October 9, 2022 The 16th Nippon Kempo Ehime Tournament was held. (Imabari)
 4) Contact Address
  Murakami Yasushi
 2-2-25,Gohon-cho,Imabari City,Ehime Prefecture 794-0823 Japan.
 TEL. +81-898-32-5237  FAX. +81-898-32-5238

日本拳法 今治拳友会